SSM® Safety Markings

Safety Markings
Vehicle marking
Pinter-Signum GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of warning and hazardous goods signs and has been an OEM supplier to all major trailer, and superstructure and tanker manufacturers in Europe for many years.
We supply the European commercial vehicle market with high-quality and durable products
of the vehicle marking, all of which comply with the legal requirements and have the appropriate approvals.

According to chapter 5 of the ADR, transports of dangerous goods must be marked with appropriate labels. For this we manufacture many different designs
which are adapted to the special hazardous goods. For example SSM® rotary exchange plates for fuel oil, diesel and gasoline transports or SSM® number plates with exchangeable numbers for chemical transports.
SSM® ADR warning signs foldable made of aluminum, with hinges and twist locks made of
Stainless steel V2a, can be found on many general cargo vehicles.
In addition, we also produce all danger labels according to ADR chapter ff and also the
SSM® Hazard label box for easy change of hazard class is used on many vehicles.
SSM® waste warning signs in hinged or rigid design comply with § 10 of the Waste Shipment Act as amended with regard to the requirements for the marking of vehicles. Gem. In accordance with § 55 of the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act (KrWG), collectors and carriers must provide vehicles with which they transport waste on public roads in the course of their business with two retro-reflective white warning signs (A-signs) before starting their journey. This does not apply to collectors and transporters who collect or transport waste as part of commercial enterprises.
TIR is the abbreviation for the French term “Transport Internationaux Routiers”. This refers to an international road transport. SSM® TIR plates make it clear that the transported goods are firmly sealed and are only inspected by customs in the country of origin and destination. Thus, the truck does not have to stop at every national border. This saves time and money – both for the freight forwarder and customs.
According to § 17 (4) StVO and § 51c StVZO, motor vehicles, trailers and trains, as well as caravans with a permissible total weight of more than 3.5 t, which are parked in towns at dusk and in the dark, must be marked with type-tested night parking signs. SSM® night parking signs are available in the tested versions of form A, 423 x 423 mm, with reflective foil RA2 or form B, 285 x 285 mm, with reflective foil RA3. SSM® school bus signs comply with BO-Kraft – Ordinance on the Operation of Motor Vehicles in Passenger Traffic – §33 (4) and identify the school buses that take our children to school every day.
Containers and swap bodies that are parked in the public traffic area must be inspected in accordance with. § 32 (1) StVO must be marked with a warning marking made of reflective foil RA2, red/white. SSM® container warning markings from Orafol® and 3M® are constantly available from stock, even in large quantities, as are the vehicle warning markings for marking vehicles in accordance with DIN 30710. For optimal visibility of your vehicles and trailers even during darkness, you should not miss out on our SSM® contour marking. Marking in accordance with ECE 104 with retroreflective contour markings has been mandatory for all new registrations for many years.
SSM® warning markings for tail lifts were developed for trucks with tail lifts, which according to StVZO § 53b (5) must be marked with clearly visible, red and white warning markings. Rear markings according to ECE 70 or ECE 70.01, on uniform conditions for the approval of panels for the rear marking of heavy and long vehicles, are mandatory in many European countries. SSM® tail markers are available in various designs and sizes.
The SSM® warning and rear markings impress with high resistance and top reflection values and are of course type-approved by the KBA. Whether in the original equipment at the manufacturer or in the retrofit at the forwarder – our customers confirm this claim by their trust again and again!